covid-19 safety update
Right at Home Corporate continues to monitor COVID-19 local and CDC guidelines to ensure the safest environment is provided at Home Improvement 2022. Your health and safety is top priority, and as such, the following guidelines and precautions will be implemented, with appropriate modifications to these measures as needed:
- Upon arriving at registration, all attendees will be asked to show proof of vaccination (a photo on your cellphone is acceptable) or a negative COVID-19 test taken within 24 hours prior to arrival.
- If a participant is unable to provide documentation or chooses not to, they will be asked to wear a mask.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be available in multiple locations.
- Attendees will be offered an optional sticker for their name badge, indicating their personal level of comfort with distance (red = distance please; yellow = fist bumps only; green = hugs are welcome).
- Responsible measures with serving food and beverages will be taken.
- Appropriate signage with COVID-19 safety reminders will be prominently displayed.
These guidelines will be updated as needed on the conference website.
As you prepare to travel to Home Improvement 2022, please stay home if (1) you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, or (2) have had contact with anyone who has tested positive within two weeks of the Annual Meeting.
Thank you for your cooperation to ensure a safe environment for all those attending Home Improvement 2022. We look forward to seeing you!